Yann "Bug" Dubois

Développeur WordPress freelance à Paris
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Archives de 7 June 2009

Time to get multilingual!

7 June 2009 Par : Yann Dubois Catégorie : English Pas Commentaire →

a Worldwide audience map according to Google analyticsAccording to my Google Analytics and Xiti stats, the majority of the visitors of this yann.com site are now English-speakers (or at least probably not fluent in French.) That’s a consequence of my recent activity as a WordPress plugin open-source developer. So I guess I’ll have to start writing some content in what the French call “the language of Shakespeare” to satisfy that worldwide audience – OK, I don’t guarantee I can really write like Shakespeare did, but then again, who would understand anyways?

I thought that a natural subject for my first English-language post, as a way of inaugurating the new bilingual twist of this blog, would be the subject of running a multi-language WordPress!

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