Yann "Bug" Dubois

Développeur WordPress freelance à Paris
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What’s inside a Canon Powershot G10

30 September 2010 Par : Yann Dubois Catégorie : English, tech

Wear and tear have finally overcome. This Canon Powershot G10 has a stuck lens, and the warranty has long expired. I decided to take it apart to see if there is something to be done about it. I took some photographs of the tear-down process, and here is a detailed inside view of the camera.

(You can click once or twice on all the pictures to enlarge them)

Please be aware that opening the shell of your camera may void the warranty. This said, if you’ve owned your Powershot more than two years and did not purchase a guarantee extension, chances are your camera is not under guarantee anymore anyway.

Removing the shell

All the small screws can be taken care of using a very small Phillips type screwdrivers.

A total of 7 small black screws hold the front and back shell assembled to the camera internal metal frame assembly.

Once those screws are removed, tightly pull the front and back plastic shells apart to reveal the internals of the camera (see pictures).

Taking it all apart

About a dozen tiny silver screws still have to be removed to gain the inside view featured on the photographs. Apart from the backside Sony manufactured LCD screen which seems easy enough to service, no part of the lens mechanism is easily reachable without completely disassembling the camera.

Further reading:

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