YD BuddyPress feed syndication
This BuddyPress add-on for WordPress syndicates and aggregates external RSS feeds into BuddyPress user and/or group activity feed/walls (like with Facebook). Each BuddyPress user can define their RSS feed syndication subscriptions. External feeds can also be syndicated into group activity events.
Uses WP-cron to update all activity feeds.
Import existing blogs into your BuddyPress activity feed !
Actively supports latest versions of PHP5, WordPress and BuddyPress.
Additional Credits
- Original and incremental development of this plugin has been paid for by Selliance
- Italian translation provided by Czz
- Russian translation provided by Diogen Platonovich
le 15 July 2011 à 1:47 h
[…] mig en linje på min YD BuddyPress Feed Syndication stedet for at rapportere fejl, bede om specifik funktion eller forbedring, eller bare fortælle mig, […]
le 18 July 2011 à 17:13 h
Great plugin! If you were able to syndicate rss feeds sitewide as the admin that would be awesome!
le 18 July 2011 à 17:17 h
[…] If you put all your users in a default group and syndicate a feed for the group I guess you get some kind of sitewide syndication that avoids duplication on all users’ activity feeds. Or did I get your requirements wrong?
UPDATED–EDITED 2011/08: version 2.x of the plugin allows group syndication and hence sitewide syndication through a group.
le 18 July 2011 à 17:21 h
Here two additional plugins that closely relate to my plugin:
(I used them partly as an inspiration for some of the code of my plugin)
It was itself partly based on the code from a group blogs import plugin:
Most if not all of the features of both those plugins are now included version in version 2.x of my plugin with an integrated and comprehensive approach (same interface, same processes).
le 25 July 2011 à 20:07 h
hi, nice plugin!
maybe you know, there already was similar plugin to your (http://bp-tricks.com/featured/allow-users-to-add-their-rss-feed-to-their-profile-with-the-external-blogs-plugin/).
As I understand, difference is that one from the link pulls feeds when someone visit your profile too (not just hourly) + admin can limit amount of allowed feed urls.
Do you have plans to include such features too?
thank you!
le 26 July 2011 à 1:39 h
@John: I did not know about this plugin, because it seems it is not featured in the official WordPress plugins directory, nor is it distributed as an auto-installable plugin from within WordPress. I don’t use and don’t recommend the use of plugins that are not hosted on the WP plugins directory anyways, although it seems that one has a very recommandable author and a clear licence.
My plugin is internationalized and distributed with 3 language files; others will certainly be added (contributed) in the future.
An additional difference is that my plugin lets you choose the feed refresh schedule for each rss (from every 3 to every 12 hours). Checking the feeds each time someone visits the profile (if it indeed does so) would seem to be a problematic approach on sites with lots of visitors or page views. It is not scalable, this is why I don’t plan to go that way. Limiting the maximum amount of feeds a specific category of member can add seems a good feature, and I might add it in a future release.
Other than that, the core part of the plugin is very similar, part of the feed-fetching code is even the same.
le 26 July 2011 à 7:46 h
thanks for reply.
will be happy to use your plugin when limiting will be added (it is more spam question). re 3-12 hours, I am not programmer, but from the first look something like 30 min to 12 hours for the choice of the admin would be more practical.
is it possible to change minimum refreshing time (3 hours) now (is it line 5 and 7 in ydbfs.inc)?
thank you.
le 26 July 2011 à 11:59 h
@John : yes, you can change the refreshing time options by changing the values at the top of that file. It was meant for that.
Be aware that WordPress WP-cron pseudo scheduling system does not go below once an hour, so setting it to lower than 3600 seconds will not in effect fetch the feed more often. Again, setting too low a default value might not be a good idea on a site with many members that want to aggregate many feeds.
If you really need to go below an hour, you will need to fire the refreshing script from outside WordPress. There are various ways to do it.
le 10 August 2011 à 9:23 h
at the moment all the media from rss is displayed as url, any chances to get normal view, or this is something completely impossible?
thank you.
le 25 August 2011 à 1:57 h
Hi Yann,
Great plugin, I have been waiting for something like this!
One question. What URL should I use for cron? I am using my webhost cron option.
le 25 August 2011 à 22:52 h
@John and @All:
Version 2.0 of the plugin has been officially released today. It includes limiting of the maximum amount of feeds a user can agregate as requested (this is a sitewide option that can be setup on the plugin’s option page).
It also includes a feature to aggregate external feeds on a group activity feed in addition to user activity feeds (like the old “External group blogs” plugin used to do. This is essentially a replacement for that plugin).
It also includes Russian language files, better interfaces and display, and support for optional feed titles. All-in-all it is now a far more complete plugin. I hope you will all enjoy it.
Thanks go to Selliance.com for continuously funding and supporting active development of this plugin.
le 26 August 2011 à 0:16 h
Tried to upgrade, got this error:
Fatal error: Class ‘BP_Group_Extension’ not found in /nfs/c07/h03/mnt/104309/domains/mysite/html/wp-content/plugins/yd-buddypress-feed-syndication/inc/ydbfs.inc.php on line 592
Any suggestions?
le 26 August 2011 à 9:16 h
This is because the BuddyPress Groups feature is turned off in the BuddyPress Component Setup settings page.
You can avoid this error by turning Groups on.
I will be releasing in the coming hours a new version of the plugin that avoids this error when groups are turned off.
Thank you for pointing out this problem.
le 26 August 2011 à 9:34 h
Release 2.0.1 fixes the problem, release 2.0.2 additionally avoids crashing the WordPress platform when BuddyPress is not loaded. Please upgrade to latest version of the plugin released just now.
le 26 August 2011 à 10:16 h
hi, latest version does not return error (had it too) and is activated successfully. I do see setting page in the backend, but don’t have any signs of the plugin in the frontend. Let’s see if someone will mention same problem, maybe it is just mine conflict with some other plugin. thanks
le 26 August 2011 à 10:20 h
You’re right, there was a regression problem with version 2.0.2. Please upgrade to (just released) version 2.0.3 and it should be back. Sorry for this.
le 26 August 2011 à 10:50 h
thanks, it works now, but as I mentioned I have groups feature switched off, got new error after “manually run hourly process” button was pressed: Fatal error: Class ‘groupFeedSyndication’ not found in Z:\home\example.com\www\wp-content\plugins\yd-buddypress-feed-syndication\inc\ydbfs.inc.php on line 549
because of new title field plugin’s form in the frontend goes way across my padder now, can this field be limited?
I am bit confused about all these “manually …” buttons. I assume those mean that plugin will check latest updates after buttons are pressed. Then what is the difference between “manually run hourly process” and “check latest”, or after manually… are pressed plugin will not import updates automatically anymore and user will have to do it manually?
thank you.
le 26 August 2011 à 11:07 h
Hi again John, thanks for the thorough debugging help. You’ll have to upgrade to version 2.0.4 (just committed, will be available on th WP site in a few minutes). The new group feature should now be completely disabled when groups are turned off in BuddyPress.
I don’t exactly get the problem about the title field, can you be more precise?
Don’t worry about the manual buttons, they were there before and are just for testing/debugging purpose. Once the plugin is all setup and running, you won’t need those.
“Manually run hourly process” does what it says: it forces the plugin to do what it normally does once an hour.
“Manually force feed reload” additionally clears the RSS feed caches.
“Manually check broken feeds” tries to see if feeds that were marked as broken are now available (the plugin normally does this once a day)
“Check latest” just checks and outputs info about the time automatic processes were last run.
Again, you don’t need those buttons in normal operation of the plugin. They’re useful for testing purpose only.
le 26 August 2011 à 12:13 h
thanks Yann, error is gone now.
re plugin’s table/form – maybe it is a problem of my child theme, but I had to add to my style.css, that width of the table .ydbfs is 100%.
noted few more issues:
# if user will type too long title for the feed source, table with class .ydbfs will go way across the border of my padder again. some limit for the title input would be good;
# you have this red cross near every feed. in my case, If I want to delete single feed and press this cross, all the feeds will be gone.
le 26 August 2011 à 12:19 h
sorry, issue re red cross is my mistake
le 26 August 2011 à 12:23 h
Regarding table width/css, I don’t want to include any CSS in the output code, because this is theme dependant and has to remain so. Adding necessary adjustments inside your theme’s style.css file is the right way to go.
The fact that the title does not wrap properly is also related to your theme and should be corrected in CSS. I can add some limitation to the max title length, but in my opinion layout issues should be dealt with in the theme’s CSS stylesheet. I want to give users the possibility to include long titles if they so want.
I did not notice a problem with the “unsubscribe” button on my side, I am surprised at what you describe. This button has not changed since earlier versions of the plugin: was it always that way for you?
le 26 August 2011 à 12:38 h
100% agree re css.
could you point please re how to get it wrapped after submission (width of the title field)?
as I mentioned, it was my mistake with “unsubscribe”, since for testing purpose I have added one feed two times, but with different titles, result, “unsubscribe” deleted both at once, what is very good.
le 26 August 2011 à 14:03 h
already tried adding #settings-form table, table.ydbfs, table tr td, etc., nothing helps. Everything is ok with the #settings-form, but table.ydbfs does not take into account any rules. Any suggestion re how to limit/wrap…submitted titles and feed urls?
Do you mean that this the problem of my child theme? Just checked on the bp-default, same issue. It means that at the moment table does not have width limits.
thank you.
le 26 August 2011 à 14:24 h
Still not sure I understand your problem. On the front office of the default BP theme, no table is used. See my test blog here:
On the back office screen I see no problem with the table (using Google Chrome browser). If there is a browser issue, width of the input fields can be reduced with css.
Am I missing something?
le 26 August 2011 à 19:51 h
Updates are working great. I think what @John is referring to can be seen via my screenshot below:
After submitting a feed URL, the form is shifted to the right. How to fix?
le 26 August 2011 à 19:57 h
A few questions:
On the latest build (2.0.4) – If I Chose “1” for the maximum amount of feeds the RSS URL ENTRY line does not show up either in the profile settings or the group settings.
Is it possible to restrict the ability to add FEEDS by user role? I.E. I would only like to allow some users to be able to syndicate feeds (i.e. CONTRIBUTOR or ABOVE – would be allowed to add RSS feeds BUT NOT SUBSCRIBERS).
Also, is it possible to have the number of available feeds different for the USERS and the groups. I.E. 2 maximum feeds per user, BUT 4 per group?
I look forward to reading your reply. Thanks!
le 26 August 2011 à 21:11 h
Also, there doesn’t seem to be any way for the user to delete feeds.
le 27 August 2011 à 18:19 h
Je me permet de faire mon commentaire en français!!!
J’ai installé la dernière version, tout semblait bien fonctionner….
En réalité, il y a un petit problème. Pour chaque ajout sur un fil rss, le plugin produit 4-5 billets (et même plus).
En quoi ce problème est-il relié?
le 27 August 2011 à 18:24 h
Bonjour, le français est tout-à-fait recommandé pour ceux qui le parlent 😉
Vous avez raison, il y a un bug, je suis en train de le régler en ce moment même grâce à l’aide d’un autre utilisateur qui m’a mis sur le chemin de la solution.
Une nouvelle version du plugin sera livrée d’ici lundi pour corriger ce problème.
For the English speaking audience: there is a known bug that causes duplication of the group feed posts (and maybe of user feed posts for non-English versions, not clear at this point). This is being corrected and a new release of the plugin will be issued Monday at the latest.
le 27 August 2011 à 19:37 h
If you want to beta-test the new version of the plugin before it is officially released, you can download it here:
http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/yd-buddypress-feed-syndication.2.1.0.zip (in a few minutes)
…or get it here here:
http://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/yd-buddypress-feed-syndication/branches/2.1.0/ (right away)
It should correct all the reported bugs and quirks of version 2.0.x and has a few improvements (including separate settings for the maximum number of feeds for users and groups as requested by J.Pisano). The html and css have been altered to force long lines to break (this embedded CSS styling can be overriden if necessary).
The main thing to be tested before this release becomes official is that there is no more duplication of the feed items over time.
Thanks to all participating members for your contribution in quickly debugging and improving this plugin.
le 29 August 2011 à 7:42 h
I’ve tried the above and have some CSS issues with it out of the box…
Here is what I did to fix:
Line 243 & 257 change size=”50″ to size =”auto”
Also, I had an issue with the table select in Line 296 causing issues with a conflict from another plugin using text “select”… I hard coded a “style=”width:90px” in the echo…
Other than that it looks like it is working.
Also, it might be nice to see the pict of the group first when pulling in the feed into a group else it looks kind of odd without it compared to the others (the text shows without any kind of avatar (group avatar):
Also, the text seems somewhat odd when showing which group it was imported in – you can see this in the above link as well:
“New Blog imported from <>” … It would probably look better without the <> and just bold the group…
le 29 August 2011 à 23:13 h
Thanks for a great plugin, inspired me for a new site actually =)
It appears as if when I have the plugin activated all the links in my activity feed are opened in a new window (tab). Is this something you are aware of?
le 30 August 2011 à 12:38 h
Yes, this is an intentional feature as per user request. You can change this option in the plugin’s settings page.
le 23 September 2011 à 8:01 h
Hi Dubois,
I have installed wordpress 3.2.1 MU and Buddypress 1.5 after activating YD BuddyPress Feed Syndication plugin i couldnot find “Import a Blog” link at Groups > Your group > Admin > Import blogs.
Can you give me a quick code change for this.
thanks in advance
Sunandan Sastry K
le 23 September 2011 à 10:12 h
@Sastry: did you activate the “groups” feature in BuddyPress?
le 24 September 2011 à 18:20 h
As J Psano said:
“Also, it might be nice to see the pict of the group first when pulling in the feed into a group else it looks kind of odd without it compared to the others (the text shows without any kind of avatar (group avatar):”
can you post a fix for this, I really need this to match the rest of my site.
le 24 September 2011 à 21:04 h
rss feed tab seems to be missing in admin when using with buddypress 1.5
le 6 October 2011 à 10:50 h
Hello Yann,
small questions to every user of this plugin: for me it looks like that RSS FEED of users BP profiles does not work anymore, after YD Feed starts bringing external blogs into users activity. Does anyone have same issue in BP 1.2.10?
RSS refers to some Feed code error.
thank you.
le 6 October 2011 à 13:58 h
ok, had to search deeper. looks like this is not an issue of YD Feed…, but of WP or BP in general. Have two blogs to import, one works fine, second imports rss feeds fine too, but in RSS Feed of my BP profile I see nothing, because of error in feed’s code, what means that site wide rss stops working too.
Chrome refers to “error on line 20 at column 21: Encoding error”. Is it a problem of non english RSS source?
thank you.
le 6 October 2011 à 15:39 h
John: If you are importing this RSS feed from an external source, this is a problem with that source. That source is not a valid RSS feed (probably because it is not XML compliant) It has nothing to do with WP, BP or my plugin. You can validate a RSS feed here: http://validator.w3.org/feed/
A RSS feed should always be valid, and any language can be included in a valid feed.
le 9 October 2011 à 12:45 h
Hi! Thanks for your plugins.
I was thinking in a future feature.
Hacer que el usuario tenga que validar su propio sitio web y demostrar que el sitio web es suyo a través de metatags. En PHP existe la función get_meta_tags() que permitiría verificar un metatag en un sitio web.
What do you think? Thanks
le 9 October 2011 à 12:49 h
Sorry! I put it in spanish.
“Make the user to validate their own website and show that the website is yours through metatags. In PHP there get_meta_tags function () that would verify a metatag in the website.”
le 18 October 2011 à 9:14 h
what would be the best way to limit, or remove excerpt completely?
I do see line “const DESCRIPTION_MAX_SIZE= 300;”, but even if this is what I should change, it does not work with number 0.
thank you.
le 18 October 2011 à 10:50 h
If you need to get rid of the description, commenting out lines 389 and 738 might be the way to go:
$items[$key][‘description’] = $rss_item->get_description();
le 18 October 2011 à 19:25 h
thank you, Yann!
looks like it did the trick (as always, of course).
le 22 October 2011 à 19:39 h
have implemented your idea re how to remove discription, but it blocks few features on my site (I had to understand it from the beginning).
If “DESCRIPTION_MAX_SIZE is not used.”, does it mean that there is no way at the moment to limit size of the description/excerpt, let’s say to 100-200 symbols?
thank you!
le 3 November 2011 à 11:50 h
Hello, Y. Dubois! Thank you for developing this plugin. I’ve been looking for the perfect RSS importer for BP and this one looks almost like it! Would it be possible to tweak the codes to make the plugin work with the following features:
(1) the excerpt is not truncating properly (unlike in the screenshot of the plugin) and instead is importing the entire post from the other blog. I’m quite new to PHP so I’m not sure how codes should work but I wonder if tweaking it with echo substr_replace( $rss_item->get_description() ), ‘…’, 100); or a similar function would do the trick to limit the description to 100 characters or so..?
(2) when I import a blog, it imports the entire blog posts, any way to set a limit on up to how many old posts to include in the import? I’d like to limit it to 3… deleting an imported post opens up a new window. since importing a blog includes all posts, a user who imported the wrong feed had to delete a year-round of posts manually and opening new tabs every time…
We’d be very happy if these fixes can be done with your plugin. Thanks!
le 6 November 2011 à 16:16 h
Just as Dimples said above, I’d also want to limit the number of posts pulled from a feed when the cron gets into action.
I have attached a Google RSS feed, and anytime the cron runs there are smth. like 6 -7 posts pulled from the feed almost simultaneously ..
i’d like to limit that to 1 post, how can I do that?
It’s also not the greatest idea to have a user importing his blog feed and ending up with 1000 posts from the last 3 years … this can turn into a real nightmare 🙁
Thank you!
(great plugin otherwise!)
le 11 November 2011 à 19:48 h
Hello Yann,
could you please tell if there is any existing function in the plugin, which could be called to return list of recent/saved feed urls of a user?
thank you!
le 13 November 2011 à 1:36 h
I did install the plugin and it was only available on the user activity but not on the group activity. Also on the user activity it never worked, any ideas what am I doing wrong?
Many thanks,
le 14 November 2011 à 11:16 h
@John: there is no such function in the plugin.
le 14 November 2011 à 14:50 h
Hi John,
My apologies I got totally confused because I am trying different plugins to try to accomplish what yours offer. What I meant is that the feed never happens. I can choose the feed for the group, I have limited to one, but it never works. Not sure if there is something at the server level I need to change. I am using also feedwordpress, not sure if that could be causing some conflict.
le 18 November 2011 à 10:51 h
Hello. I was just wondering what route you suggest taking when customizing the template page.
Because I need alternate navigation for different pages I’m adding some of the html/css/php normal for in my header to the beginning of my sites page templates.
I’m currently stuck on the settings/rss_synidcation page. It seems to have it’s own template, but I can’t find it in the plugin’s files
Any clues?
le 18 November 2011 à 23:10 h
Hi, love this plugin. Can you add the ability to limit the amount of imports per day per user?
Also is there anyway to only allow this feature to members with a certain role?
le 22 November 2011 à 0:55 h
Hello Yann! I’ve reinstalled the plugin and also got my WP & BP upgrades, the user feed syndication is working perfectly now, really awesome! Thank you so much ^_^
le 22 November 2011 à 1:08 h
P.S. How can we get the blog feed to show up on the sitewide activity stream? Also, I can’t seem to find the “import a blog” option on the group admin page….Thanks!
le 22 November 2011 à 2:24 h
P.P.S.: my personal feeds are actually showing on the sitewide stream when i am logged out, but not when i’m logged in.. i am using WP 3.2.1 and BP 1.5.1
le 28 November 2011 à 13:25 h
Hi Yann 🙂
Would it be possible to provide my users a list with urls were they can subscribe to instead of the ability to add their own urls?
Thanks for creating this wonderful plugin 🙂
le 29 November 2011 à 17:33 h
Is there a way to have it so only admins feeds go into the site activity stream and regular members feeds go just to their own activity feed? I love this but it could get out of hand if too many members had feed imports.
le 5 December 2011 à 12:45 h
Hi Yann, me again, things are working great with the plugin now! Really awesome, thanks a lot 🙂 I am hosting a little blog community on my site that’s why I find it really useful. Is there any way we can generate a list of all the imported blogs and output it to something like a directory page sorted by (a) owner name with fields that list linked titles of their imported blogs or (b) linked blog title with link to bp profile of owner?
le 5 December 2011 à 14:52 h
also, is there a way to reduce images in imported blog posts to thumbnail view? cheers!
le 19 December 2011 à 21:35 h
Bonjour Yann
Je ne peux pas importer des feed – ils sont tous rouges mais valides par aillerus – et il me manque aussi le menu “Importer un blog” sur le menu du gorupe.
J’utilise WP 321 et BP 151
Que dois je verifier dans mon installation ?
le 23 December 2011 à 19:51 h
@Elena : si les feeds apparaissent en rouge c’est que WordPress n’arrive pas à les lire. Il peut y avoir beaucoup de raisons pour cela, notamment que votre serveur ne peut pas faire des connexions vers l’extérieur (c’est par exemple le cas sur certains hébergements mutualisés).
le 1 January 2012 à 19:36 h
I too can’t see the import a blog on the groups settings page? Groups are enabled.. Any idea where it is hiding or how to activate?
Great plugin
le 20 January 2012 à 10:58 h
I am using wordpress 3.3.1 and latest buddypress version. I can’t find “import blog” option under group/admin/settings. I can only feed my personal activity stream (my account / settings / import a blog). I really would need the feeds to go to the group activity.
This is so great plugin, thanks!
le 6 February 2012 à 11:23 h
I installed your plugin today and it worked well! Thanks for the awesome plugin. 🙂
While using your plugin, I wondered if it is possible to allow only some users like site admin and group admin to import feeds.
I found the same question from J. Pisano’s comment below but couldn’t find your answer.
“importing feed only some restrict the ability to add FEEDS by user role? I.E. I would only like to allow some users to be able to syndicate feeds (i.e. CONTRIBUTOR or ABOVE – would be allowed to add RSS feeds BUT NOT SUBSCRIBERS).”
le 8 February 2012 à 12:33 h
Bonjour Yann, je viens d’installer ton plugin bravo ca fonctionne pour les users cependant il n’y a pas de lien import blog dans les reglages du groupe du coup je ne peux mettre de rss pour les groupes
je suis sous WP 3.3.1 avec un buddypress 1.5.1
le 13 February 2012 à 19:08 h
Like some others, I am not seeing any option to import a blog for groups under the group admin settings. Please check into this; I would love to use your plugin!
le 16 February 2012 à 15:40 h
Yeah where is the option to import ? I really need this fantastic plugin !!
le 19 February 2012 à 13:54 h
I love the potential here, but like others, these instructions don’t find anything for groups:
Usage for group feeds
Go to Groups > Your group > Admin > Import blogs
Add one or more RSS feed URL addresses with optional title
le 8 March 2012 à 13:44 h
I also cannot see the “Import Blogs” link when going to Groups > Your Group > Admin.
This is a really cool feature that I’d like to have work on my site.
I’m using WordPress 3.3.1 and Buddypress 1.5.4.
le 16 March 2012 à 20:19 h
I too am not seeing the import blogs in group…hope we get an answer on this soon.
le 21 March 2012 à 7:21 h
I too am unable to see the “import a blog” tab when viewing Group>Admin>?????
It is not one of the options available to me. Please help? -Or if anyone has found a workaround?
Lots of promise in this plugin, if we can get past this groups issue
le 25 March 2012 à 23:21 h
Very nice plugin!
But I have one problem. The -tag from a RSS-description/content (Atom10) disappeared when it is saved in the MySQL-database. Can somebody tell me how to fix it?
le 25 March 2012 à 23:23 h
I mean the break-tag (BR). Sorry for all the posts.
le 1 April 2012 à 7:18 h
For those who cannot see IMPORT A BLOG option in profiles, try activating it in individual sites, rather than “network activating.” You may find it works like a charm then.
le 9 April 2012 à 13:19 h
Is there any way to integrate the blogs that are imported using this plugin in the “Blogs” Section of Buddypress?
le 17 April 2012 à 19:16 h
Yann, there is no link in group admin to add feeds to groups.
le 5 May 2012 à 17:25 h
Its broken, too bad: No option in the group-admin anymore to import rss in the current buddypress version.
le 17 May 2012 à 0:53 h
Hi Yann.
I’d like to say: i can translate the Plugin into german language. Just send me the .po or whatever to my email. Not very much work for me.
Till next time, you are wellcome,
le 23 May 2012 à 12:50 h
This patch makes it work for groups again: http://pastebin.com/cA2Fmu3e
le 23 May 2012 à 17:28 h
Thanks for sharing, Magnus. I’ll include it in a future release.
le 11 June 2012 à 16:45 h
Any idea when new fixed version (regarding group bug) will be available ?
Thank you very much for your excellent work !!!
le 11 June 2012 à 19:15 h
@Fred: Sorry, I am very busy at this time on WP projects that do not involve BuddyPress. As soon as I have a chance to work on a BuddyPress project again, I will release a new version. I have no estimate as to when this will be possible right now.
le 11 June 2012 à 23:54 h
Thank you very much for your fast response and good luck with your projects !
le 20 June 2012 à 17:03 h
Hi YD,
my -feed-syndication problem after upgrade buddypress new version. feed not run automatic as a schedule 3 hour/6 hour/12 hour.
now it running manually.
please help me
le 2 August 2012 à 20:11 h
Hello Yann,
Thank you for your plugin.
I cannot remove rss feeds.
When I click Unsubscribe, I receive:
You don’t have permission to access /wp/members/danokeefe/settings/rss_syndication on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.”
Do you know where the problem lies? My username has WP/BP admin privileges. thank you,
Dan O’Keefe
le 3 August 2012 à 14:55 h
Dear Yann,
I am getting the same problem as Dan (above). I have just done a fresh install of WordPress and Buddypress, both the latest versions, and installed your plugin.
I receive the “403 You do not have permission to access this document” error when trying to add or delete feeds. I can get one feed onto each user account by dropping the http:// at the start of the link, but then it reverts to the 403 error.
The single feed that I am able to add to each user account gets pulled into the activity stream perfectly.
Any suggestions on how this can be resolved would be greatly appreciated.
Best wishes,
le 4 August 2012 à 13:02 h
I just wanted to let you, and anyone else have the 403 error, that it can be resolved by disabling mod_security on the server.
Best wishes,
le 20 August 2012 à 11:16 h
Anyone with a hack to allow RSS only to certain User Roles?
le 20 August 2012 à 15:49 h
Thanks Tim,
We will fiddle with that.
le 28 August 2012 à 15:27 h
Group avatars are not showing
le 29 August 2012 à 11:19 h
Anyone has multiple entries, too? Up to 10x the same news.
Buddypress 1.6.1
le 30 October 2012 à 18:15 h
Hi – great plugin and working for single users but seem to have a problem with the ‘import blog’ button in groups (it doesn’t appear!). We are using a non-BuddyPress theme and using the template add on. Not sure whether this information is important
le 31 December 2012 à 15:30 h
This is not working. It will install on my site, but there is no way to make it work. It’s not on member profiles, it’s not on the Buddypress/WP Bar at the top – it’s now where. How do we use it.
le 16 March 2013 à 2:07 h
Does anyone know why the feed imports the blog post twice in the activity?
Thanks a lot!
le 19 March 2013 à 14:40 h
Duplicate imports is due to the column type change for secondary_item_id. This is what i use now, and it’s working
/** Fetch an existing activity_id if one exists. **/
if ( function_exists( ‘bp_activity_get_activity_id’ ) ) {
// NOTE! must match on content here – it used to use
// secondary_item_id which was wp_hash() of the link, but
// since BP 1.6 that is bigint – see http://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/4253
// Also, can’t match on primary_link as that’s not supported at all.
$id = bp_activity_get_activity_id( array(
‘user_id’ => false,
//’action’ => $activity_action,
‘component’ => ‘groups’,
‘type’ => ‘new_blog_post’,
‘content’ => $post[‘description’],
‘item_id’ => $post[‘group_id’]
le 20 May 2013 à 16:03 h
Seems like a great plugin, but I can’t get past this fatal error when I try to activate in my BP (3.5.1):
Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /wp-content/plugins/yd-buddypress-feed-syndication/inc/yd-widget-framework.inc.php on line 200
Do you have any advice? Thank you in advance!!
le 22 May 2013 à 10:44 h
This is due to PHP5.4. Please remove & on line 200 of the mentioned file. All occurences of &$this should be rewritten as $this.
le 22 May 2013 à 15:01 h
Hi there
It is possible to specify which group the feed shud go to – ie where I am admin of multiple groups _ I wud like to specify which group the feed goes into…
Thank you
le 12 June 2013 à 22:18 h
FROM: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/cron-not-being-run?replies=2
Hi — The plugin does not seem to hook in to the wp-cron. As a result, the job is not being run automatically. I checked the scheduled wp-cron jobs and don’t see any for this plugin.
The following messages are seen on the plugin setting page.
Crontab warning: ydbfsPlugin->daily_update is currently not scheduled.
Crontab warning: ydbfsPlugin->hourly_update is currently not scheduled.
Any idea what needs to be done to set this up with wp-cron?
le 13 June 2013 à 11:42 h
Hi @Ariel; I believe the plugin just needs to be deactivated / reactivated or maybe save the plugin settings once. Or maybe manually run the task once: there should be a button for that.
le 27 July 2013 à 6:58 h
I am migrating my site from one server to new server with php 5.4 apache and having issue opening the site through host mapping. getting the following error. Site is also opening a blank page.
PHP Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /var/www/music-online/web/wp-content/plugins/yd-buddypress-feed-syndication/inc/yd-widget-framework.inc.php on line 200
le 27 July 2013 à 19:43 h
Hey Yann,
I am trying to use the plugin with the newest BuddyPress (1.8) but I keep getting fatal errors.
I received the same error @Andy had so I did as you said and changed all instances of &$this to $this but now I am getting the following error.
Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in C:\BitNami\wordpress-3.5.1-2\apps\wordpress\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\yd-buddypress-feed-syndication\inc\ydbfs.inc.php on line 482
which is this lines (472-487):
echo '’;
echo ” . __( $this->title, $this->plg_tdomain ) . ”;
if( $this->update_msg ) {
echo ”;
echo $this->update_msg;
echo ”;
if( $this->error_msg ) {
echo ”;
echo $this->error_msg;
echo ”;
echo ”;
If you could help I would really appreciate it.
le 29 July 2013 à 13:08 h
Line 482 of inc/ydbfs.inc.phph reads as such:
self::do_things( &$op, $nok = false, $force );
Please remove the & before $op. It should now read as this for PHP 5.3:
self::do_things( $op, $nok = false, $force );
same thing on line 498 of the same file: all instances of &$op should be replaced by $op, without the &.
Thanks for signalling the issue, it will be corrected in a future release of the plugin.
le 29 July 2013 à 16:51 h
This is due to PHP 5.3. Please open the file yd-widget-framework.inc.php and on line 200, replace &$this with $this (without the &).
le 7 August 2013 à 9:13 h
Yves and thanx a lot pour ce merveilleux plugin 🙂
I have juste a problem of duplicate feed content (on profil user)
I m using BP 1.7 and wp 3.5.2
Any clue for this issue ?
Merci encore pour tout vos efforts !
le 22 October 2013 à 16:07 h
Hi, is there anyway the rss feed from any user (say admin) to be shown in the main activity page? for everyone to see it? automatically?
I have installed the plugin added a mtv feed, but nothing shows up anywhere, where am I supposed to see the feed import?
le 20 February 2015 à 14:48 h
installed the plugin successfully. but when I try to add an rss feed I get a blank page and nothing happens.
can you pls. help me regarding this issue.
pls. send me a PN and I will grant you an user access to see it in action on my site! thank you very much!
le 20 February 2015 à 14:52 h
Sorry but I cannot afford to provide free support for any of my old plugins.
le 25 April 2015 à 17:19 h
Hello I am wondering if there will be any updates to this plugin? It is triggering a fatal error.. I followed the instructions and would love to have this apart of my buddypress site!
Please let me know, thank you!
le 12 July 2018 à 8:16 h
we are looking for such a plugin. Is this working with the newest buddypress version?
KInd regards