Custom jobs
Do you…
- Need a specific feature in WordPress?
- Want a custom extension to an existing plugin?
- Have to adapt a plug-in to your specific configuration?
- Need professional advice on using WordPress in an enterprise project?
- Would like counselling on using WordPress for autoblogging, aggregation, automatic content creation, or some clever WP greyhat technique?
- Got a PHP/MySql development to carry on?
– Please do not hesitate to contact me: with close to 15 years of worldwide experience in the Internet industry, and as one of the “most downloaded” free WordPress plugin authors, I can help you achieve the exact results you are seeking for using the powerful WordPress platform as a professional CMS or as a turbocharged corporate web content broadcasting engine. I can help you tune the WordPress content management features to harness the power of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Linked-in.
I am available as an experienced free-lance WordPress 2.x, WPMU and WordPress 3 software programmer, developer and senior web consultant. Please feel free to check with me for any adaptation or specific implementation of any of my plugins, or for a third-party extension.
You can turn to me for any WP-related custom development or consulting work. I guarantee you a highly personalized service with total involvement in the specifics of your project.
I am trained and experienced in dealing with data in any language and charset, including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and of course all European accentuated text.
All my WordPress projects use standardized internalization (i18n) and localisation (l10n) techniques, so that all user interfaces can be easily translated to any language.
Hourly rates available.
Let’s talk about your project right away: contact me by e-mail on yann [_at_] abc . fr, or use the provided contact form.
le 1 October 2010 à 18:48 h
thanks for this plugin. I give you a donation or pay by paypal if you could help me. Plugin works on my site ( but i want it to show me only the latest 5 Post of a special categorie “Konzeptautos”. This doesnt work. Even the thumnails are not really in a right proportion? Would you help me out? Think this is not really a lot of work for you…
Thank you
le 14 October 2010 à 9:23 h
Can you please help me with your plug in. When I try to use the Previous plug in, I have no background. It just sits on my blog with no box. However the recent posts do. The problem is that if I use the recent posts, it shows the same content that is already on the same page. How can I get the same box layout with the previous post as the recent posts? It seems like a bug. Can you show me a KB or point me to the directions on how to fix>
le 22 October 2010 à 18:47 h
Hi Yann,
Is this theme you’re using available anywhere?
Thank you,
le 26 October 2010 à 19:30 h
thanks for the plug in. its very good!
i like to ask you if you can help me with this:
if you look on the site i sent you
on the top right sidebar there is a post list (4).
right now its pulling from one category only and no meter where you located on the site you see the same posts.
i like to be able to select 4 posts for each category on the site.
so each category will have my post selection on the right sidbar.
and i like to keep the same design.
your plug in do the same job as what i have right now. and the problem that i cant add this widget more then 1 time. if i can add it more then 1 time to the sidebar. so i can use this plug in
and select what i need to show in each category.
let me know if you can do it
thanks – we need it asap
le 31 October 2010 à 1:54 h
Hi Yann,
I’m trying to reach you about a custom job!
Please shoot me an email!
Thank you for your time,
le 3 November 2010 à 18:41 h
I sent you the e-mail.
le 4 November 2010 à 15:09 h
I’ve been answering to you by private e-mail.
le 3 January 2011 à 13:13 h
Hello Yann
Can you confirm that you recieved my email? Since Ive donated I’ve not heard a peep from you, not even a confirmation email. not pleased!
le 27 August 2011 à 8:54 h
Hi, I have downloaded this app and unfortunately it is not removing the duplicate title line from the first line of the post. Is there any way that you can assist me here?
Thanks for a great plugin,
le 27 August 2011 à 8:57 h
I am currently working with the latest update of wordpress also, so could that be an issue?
le 26 September 2011 à 10:53 h
Hi Yann,
I’m trying to reach you about a custom job!
Please shoot me an email
le 8 January 2014 à 15:47 h
Bonjour Yann,
Vous m’avez l’air d’un prestataire très sérieux.
Je suis allé voir votre fiche sur…
Y a-t-il d’autres plateforme sur lesquelles vous travaillez, car j’aime voir les “achievements” commentés par les clients.
Développez-vous des apps pour iphone/android et en html5?
le 8 January 2014 à 15:55 h
@Pit : en-dehors de (que je fréquente finalement assez peu), la plupart de mes clients me contactent directement en privé. Les liens dans la colonne de droite de mon blog perso donnent des indices des sites que j’ai supervisé ou auxquels j’ai contribué. Et bien sur, mon activité sur la plateforme WordPress (réalisation de plugins en open-source) est assez représentative aussi :
J’ai fait des apps iPhone/Android, mais uniquement en rapport avec des sites sous WordPress (WordPress servant de CMS pour propulser le contenu dans des applis mobiles).
Comme d’autres l’ont parfois fait, n’hésitez pas à contacter mes clients si vous voulez leur avis en privé.
le 8 January 2014 à 16:03 h
Merci bien pour cette réponse express!